A single mother, a scarred man, and a Common Enemy
September 1, 2015

Sandra DaileyI’m pleased to introduce author Sandra Dailey and her book Common Enemy, published by The Wild Rose Press. Common Enemy is Romantic Suspense. It’s in the Spicy, yet PG-13 category. 

Common Enemy  ~ A single mother, a scarred man, and a Common Enemy

Here’s the back cover preview:  ~ Jordan Holbrook is the single mother of a five-year-old daughter. She’s just inherited her grandmother’s house in South Florida where she’s hiding from an abusive ex-husband who’s been released from prison early. A new man in her life isn’t part of her plans.

Connor McCrae is a handyman who lives out of his van. He walked away from a privileged life and loving family after being badly scarred in a vicious attack. He doesn’t believe a woman’s love is in the cards for him.

They are brought together by a rundown house, a mutual attraction, and a common enemy: Bobby Ray Butler, who is cutting a path of murder and mayhem through south Florida in his quest for vengeance against his ex-wife.

Can Connor protect Jordan and her daughter from the enraged Bobby Ray? Can Jordan learn to trust men again? If anyone has a say in this—it’s Connor.

Don’t stop there! Read on to learn  more about this wonderful novel:

CommonEnemy_w8699_300Excerpt ~ “I’m sorry I scared you. Are you okay? I should have said something. I’m so sorry.” Connor helped her back to her feet.

Jordan stood for a moment catching her breath. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer. Her hands braced against his chest. “Oh God, I can’t believe how stupid I am. I thought you were him. You scared me to death.”

“You see why I worry about you? You’re not prepared. You should be in the house with that damn alarm on.” He was clearly annoyed.

“Don’t you think I know what an idiot I am? I married that monster. I deserve what I get, but where does that leave Lizzy? I’m not saying you’re wrong. I just don’t know what to do about it. I can’t live like this for the rest of my life, not knowing when he’s going to show up, or what he’s going to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind. The last thing I need is you reminding me. What are you doing out here anyway?”

“I was just wandering around thinking,” he said more quietly. “There’s something I want to tell you. I want you to know that last night meant a lot to me. I had forgotten what it felt like to be that close to someone. There have been other women since…my divorce. But, it was just sex. You were so much more than that. I just wanted you to know. I wanted to say thank you for making me feel normal again.”

“You are normal. After last night, I can’t say you’re average. That would be a huge understatement. But there isn’t anything wrong with you. As I see it, you’re pretty awesome. You took me, a neurotic Amazon woman, and made me feel desirable. That’s what I call a miracle.”

“You are desirable. You are downright amazing. And you are not an idiot. You don’t deserve any of this. You deserve a man who can love and protect you from that psycho. For now, you’ll have to settle for me. Even if I do have to stay away from you, I intend to see you and Lizzy through this.” He ran a finger through a lock of hair that had escaped her braid and then held her hand as he led her back to the house. He lifted her fingers to his lips before he left her at the door.

Jordan watched him walk back to his van. She was fascinated by the way he moved. He seemed half man, half panther. All his sleek muscles moved in a graceful rhythm. He had been hers for one night. If she had known the effect that one night would have on her, she probably wouldn’t have done it. She didn’t regret it though. And, she would never forget it.


Buy Links ~

The Wild Rose Press: http://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=195&products_id=5695

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Common-Enemy-Sandra-Dailey-ebook/dp/B00ILYKD8G/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402881991&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=common+enemy+by+sandra+dailey

Barnes and Noble:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/common-enemy-sandra-dailey/1119877036?ean=2940149812103

Here’s a peek into Sandra’s world:

Tag Line ~ Running away with my imagination

Bio ~ Sandra Dailey lives with her husband and mother in a small town in North Florida, far from the maddening crowds. Her children and grandchildren all live close and keep her ridiculously busy and active. Her passions are reading, writing, and crafts. Her addictions are coffee, chocolate, and football. Her aversions are cooking, housework and negative people. She loves to hear from fellow readers and writers, so get in touch.

COMMON ENEMY is her third published book. A sequel is coming soon.

Contact her online ~

Website/Blog: http://www.sandradailey.blogspot.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sandradailey.author

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sdaileyauthor

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/sandradailey

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6551048.Sandra_Dailey

Or send an email to: sandradailey.author@gmail.com

Don’t miss this read! Grab your copy now. 

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce



  1. Barbara Bettis

    Sandra, best of luck! I wish you many, happy sales for this terrific book.

  2. Ashantay Peters

    Congrats on your Encore release! Wishing you many sales and new readers!

    • Sandra Dailey

      The best wishes I’ve gotten all day, Ashantay. Good luck to you as well.

    • Sandra Dailey

      Thanks, Ashantay. Good luck to you and thanks for dropping by.

  3. Stanalei Fletcher

    Love the excerpt, Sandra! Waving hello to a fellow Rose. Best of luck on the story!

    • Sandra Dailey

      Thanks, Stanalei! This is great, but I’m doubly excited about the sequel coming out this fall, (Close Enemy).

  4. Peggy Jaeger

    This sounds like a goodie! PS love your dogs’ names. Very Old world Southern!

    • Sandra Dailey

      Peggy, I’m glad you stopped by. I love Linda’s dog’s names too. Their pictures are adorable.

  5. Casi McLean

    Best of luck on your book, Sandra. I love the cover and the story sounds so intriguing !

    • Sandra Dailey

      Thanks Casi. I hope you’ll try it out.

  6. julie

    Wishing Sandy all the best with her New release. Sounds good

    • Sandra Dailey

      Thanks for your wishes, Julie and thank you for dropping by.

  7. Laura Strickland

    Looks like a fabulous read, and I love that cover! Off to grab a copy now …

    • Sandra Dailey

      My favorite cover so far. Thank you.

  8. Sandra Dailey

    You make me look good, Linda! Thanks for hosting me and helping put out the word for Common Enemy. I’ll be returning the favor very soon.

    • Linda Joyce


      You’re so welcome. I’m wishing you every success!


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