Alicia Dean’s Character Inspirations – PLUS, A Giveaway!
August 6, 2015

Meet Alicia Dean, fabulous multi-published author. I’m particularly drawn to her romantic suspense. She’s a talented writer and loves to connect with readers–check out her game and giveaway! 

Alicia: When I begin a story, I have a certain type of character in mind. But it’s difficult for me to really cement that character’s image in my head, to visualize. So…I find someone, usually a celebrity, to model the character after. Now, it doesn’t mean my character looks identical to the model/inspiration. Sometimes it might be the way they carry themselves, their mannerisms, or even a role they’ve played. For example, in my first novel, Nothing to Fear, I wanted my heroine to grow, to gain some courage and learn to fight back. I used Sydney, Jennifer’s Garner’s character in the TV show, Alias. Jade, my heroine was blonde and didn’t look like Jennifer, but I used Sydney’s vulnerability tempered with toughness and that helped create Jade.
Each Monday, on Facebook, I hold a contest where I share a character description from one of my stories, then I share a photo of my inspiration for the character, along with two random photos. Many times, most commenters guess correctly, but sometimes I stump them. Which either means I didn’t do justice to the description, or they don’t see what I see. Either way, it’s lots of fun. Here is a link to my recent post, if you want to play along: HERE
What about you? When you read or write, do you get an image of a character in your head? Do you think of celebrities who might play those roles in a movie?

Alicia Dean COVER 8 5 15Let’s play the game here…check out this excerpt from RUINED: Martini Club 4 – The 1920s. Can you conjure an image in your mind of the man Eliza is looking at? Is there a celebrity or someone you know who pops into your head? (I will draw one name from the commenters, and that person will win the entire set of Martini Club 4 – The 1920s stories for Kindle. The other three stories were written by three of my author friends, but they intertwine with mine. Winner will be drawn in a few days.)

Eliza scanned the crowd. Jess was supposed to come in, but so far, Eliza hadn’t seen her. She was feeling slightly abandoned. At least Oscar wasn’t present. Now that he was her employer, she could barely relax when he was at Club 501. She always felt she was on the clock.
     Her gaze bounced over a man, then zeroed back. The bloke was looking directly at her. She caught her breath. He was leaning on the bar a few stools down, talking to Charli. He had this…magnetism, some kind of forceful presence that made it impossible to look away.
     He was broad, muscular and dressed like a dock worker with brown suspenders over a yellow shirt and a newsboy cap over his dark blond hair, but what caught her attention right off was his smile. His white teeth flashed, and a dimple creased the right side of his face.
     Charli moved away, and the man looked up and caught Eliza staring at him. His grin widened. His eyes were so blue—so electrifying, that Eliza could feel their allure even in the dimly lit, smoky bar.
     He winked and gave her a finger salute off the brim of his cap.
     A tingle ran from her toes, all the way through her body, making her head swim. My, but he was a fresh one. With superhuman effort, she dragged her attention away, but it didn’t keep her heart from racing faster than a thoroughbred at Churchill Downs.
     She swallowed and took a deep breath, fingering the pendant at her neck, trying to slow her heart rate. What on earth was wrong with her? She met plenty of handsome men—men more pleasing to the eye than he with his workmen clothing and slightly crooked nose. But never had any man sent her blood rushing through her veins like this.
     She gulped from her glass. Get ahold of yourself. She was not the kind of girl to pick up strange men in bars—even if they did have a devil of a smile and eyes like an angel.
Available on Amazon:  only 99¢

Alicia Dean Head Shot

I live in Edmond, Oklahoma. I have three grown children and a huge network of supportive friends and family. I write mostly contemporary suspense and paranormal, but have also written in other genres, including a few vintage historicals.

Other than reading and writing, my passions are Elvis Presley, MLB, NFL (I usually work in a mention of one or all three into my stories) and watching my favorite televisions shows like Vampire Diaries, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Haven, New Girl, The Mindy Project, and Dexter (Yes, I know some have ended, but I will forever be a fan). Some of my favorite authors are Michael Connelly, Dennis Lehane, Lee Child, Lisa Gardner, Sharon Sala, Jordan Dane, Ridley Pearson, Joseph Finder, and Jonathan Kellerman…to name a few.




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Linda: Don’t forget to leave a comment. YOU could be the lucky winner! 

Happy Reading!



  1. M.J. Schiller, Romance Author

    I will often scour the photo stock sites looking for pictures of my characters after I finish a book. I find it interesting when I can’t even come close to the image in my head. How did my mind just create a person? The image is very distinct and if I saw the character walking down the street I would recognize him, yet he is entirely fictional. The mind is a very powerful tool!

    Thanks for sharing! I loved RUINED!

  2. susan coryell

    Since I seldom watch tv or see movies, I rarely model my characters on celebs. However, after the book goes to press, I like to think who might play starring roles if it were to be made into a movie. I love your contests and your books, as well.

  3. Diane Burton

    Always glad to read more about you, Alicia. Loved your book RUINED.

    • Linda Joyce


      Thank you for stopping in to visit.


    • Alicia Dean

      Awww, thank you! I’m thrilled you loved it. 🙂

  4. Jannine Gallant

    I like this process! I’ve written characters before, then when the book was finished thought, “Hmm, so-and-so would be perfect to play him in the movie version of the book!” In my dreams… LOL I might have to try your way of picking the roll model first, then writing the character.

    • Linda Joyce


      Thanks for stopping for a visit. Isn’t Alicia wonderful?


    • Alicia Dean

      Yes, you might try it. For me, it helps me to keep a visual of someone familiar. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Nancy Wolfe

    Thank you Linda for sharing this author with me. She sounds wonderful and I love romantic suspense.

    • Linda Joyce


      Don’t miss the giveaway!


    • Alicia Dean

      So sorry to be late replying. Yesterday was a hectic day. Thanks so much, Nancy. I hope you enjoy my books if you try them. Happy Friday!

      • Linda Joyce


        You KNOW I’m a fan of yours. Wishing you every success. And for anyone out there reading this–don’t miss Alicia’s books.


        • Alicia Dean

          Thank you so much…I’m a fan of your books as well! 🙂

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