BAYOU BECKONS, it’s calling you
June 17, 2015

Hey there! Summer is here!

We may have a few days until the official start; however, the temperatures and humidity in the south have us fanning as fast as a hummingbird’s wings in flight.

BAYOU BECKONS     Have you gotten your copy of Bayou Beckons yet? You won’t    want to miss book three of the Fleur de Lis series. The story opens in  the wilds of Wyoming, the perfect place for a party girl to tame her  wild ways. What she doesn’t expect is to find the man of her  dreams–only to learn he was betrayed in the past–and she’s  convinced he won’t want her when he discovers her dark secret–the  one that sent her on her journey away from home.  Their love is like  a hurricane and together they race to escape Hurricane Katrina.


I’ve had a delightful month! I’ve been hosted by some great readers and authors. Each post linked below shows something different about me. (Yes, there’s a confession or two.)



Please join me in this round-robin of visits.

Jan Romes, author –she delves into my secrets:  Jan’s Blog 

Erin York, author — she’s checking my mental state. I’ve posted a quiz for you to take.

Erin York: Author, Editor, and Book Reviewer

LovExtra featured my post about Romance Vocabulary. Take the quiz and see how you do!

AND don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter —LETTERS from LINDA. Have you seen the #GIVEAWAY? It’s a Waterford crystal Fleur de Lis. Read it now.Fleur de Lis


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