Can I marry Magical Realism with Romance?
January 21, 2022

I’m working on a submission to an anthology. Books and writing are compartmentalized by genres. Yes, there are subgenres, but will I be able to take a romance and tell it with the flavors of magical realism? It’s not fantasy…

There’s an excerpt from the story in my newsletter. If you have the opportunity to read it, I’d love your input. Please leave your comments below. 


Linda Joyce



  1. sharon

    Liked what I read so far. Will be looking forward to the published book. Liked the dogs names. Was the Aunt trying to match these two up?

    • Linda Joyce

      Yes, Aunt Jessie was playing matchmaker. <3

      Linda Joyce

  2. Lori Byrd Johannes

    I loved the excerpt. So descriptive where you can picture it. I love the mystery part of the Aunt and what the conditions might be. Loved the dogs names. LOL : ). Is JD part stalker though? Even though he’s the attorney, he may have other stuff going on there. Wasn’t real sure. You could do a lot with his character. Either way, I think this will be an incredible story and can’t wait to see what you did with these characters. I’m no author so I trust you to write another masterpiece!

    • Linda Joyce

      LOL, JD might have come across a little stalker-ish. Kind of like when we were all back in grade school and a boy liked a girl–and pulled her hair to let her know. LOL.
      The dogs are my dogs: PR Oscar Maxence du Iron Gate TAN WRT and D&L’s Southern Comfort Jake TAN WRT OR aka Max and Jake. AND they run WIDE OPEN on the beach. lol

      Linda Joyce

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