Cover Reveal! BAYOU BECKONS ~ Release date June 3rd
May 8, 2015


   I’m so pleased to present the OFFICIAL Cover Reveal for BAYOU BECKONS ~      Release date June 3rd. 

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  Let me introduce you to Camilla Lind and Jared Richardson. 

  Party-girl and bayou babe Camilla Lind treats life like a game. After sleeping with her  sister’s fiancé, she’s struggling to change, but karmic payback is a bitch. When the actions    of her past crash into the present, they stand to ruin her future…and destroy any chance of  love with the only man she’s ever wanted.

   Rancher Jared Richardson guards his heart carefully after suffering the pain of infidelity.  He never expected to fall for a woman like Camilla Lind, nor did he think he’d follow her across the country to beg for a second chance at love.

As Hurricane Katrina bears down on them, can they weather the storm and put aside past hurts to embrace their future together?

This book is dedicated to the people of the Gulf Coast who lost their lives, to those who survived, and those who continue to thrive ten years after Hurricane Katrina—southerners of sturdy stock who know there’s no place like home. 

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