Excitement! Sharing it with you
May 7, 2014

Hey there!

I’m going to tell this story backwards.

First and foremost, please vote.

InD'tale Magazine

Bayou Bound is in a Cover Contest and I’m asking for your vote. I’m asking you to share this with your friends and family and ask them to vote. Please vote here:InD’tale Magazine

Now for the beginning of the story.

I’m slow to catch on. Or at least I feel that way sometimes. I found out on Facebook that Bayou Born was a 2014 RONE Award nominee. A little while later (could’ve been a few weeks) a friend messaged me and told that my novel made into the finals. Bayou Borna 2014 RONE Award Finalist.


But I felt a little…out of the loop because I wasn’t the first to know. I am very thankful for authors Gina Hooten Popp and Lori Leger for giving me intel on what was happening.

Bayou Bound  by Linda Joyce

Now, thanks to another author friend, Trish Finley Leger. She clued me in about the Cover Contest at InD’tale magazine. I’m extremely proud of the covers that Kim Mendoza at The Wild Rose Press created for my series.Bayou Bound is a Semi-Finalist in the Cover Contest. Thank you to Kim and The Wild Rose Press.

As a writer, I toil alone hour after hour. There are no annual reviews like when I worked in Corporate America. There is no marketing department, no human resources, no company expense account, and no more company car. I am a one-woman entity. Creatively and on the business-side. So when events like these—2014 RONE Award Finalist and InD’tale Cover Contest—it’s thrilling for me. It’s feedback. I do a happy dance. (It’s ugly, you don’t want to see it. Think gopher from Caddy Shack doing the Penguin Happy Feet dance.) Break out the bubbly grape soda. Then, get back to writing.

Please share in my excitement me.

Circling back around…Please vote for Bayou Bound.

Thank You ever so much for your support.

Warmest Regards,

Linda Joyce



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