Falling for Romance–a GIVEAWAY!
October 3, 2016


Fall has arrived! Enter to win $1100 in Amazon Gift Cards! One simple entry will subscribe you to 58 Romance Author Newsletters. Unsubscribe any time, but please don’t label us as spam. Better still, stick around and get to know us.


One winner will receive a $500 Amazon Gift Card.
Two winners will receive $200 Amazon Gift Cards. 
Four winners will receive $50 Amazon Gift Cards.


Participating Authors: Abbie Roads | Alexa Brookes | Alexis Noelle | Allie Cooke | Amy L Gale | Amy Lamont | Anne Stone | Asa Marie Bradley | Ash Krafton | Brandy Dorsch | C.E. Wilson | Christa Cervone | Christine Ardigo | Demelza Carlton | Eden Ashe | Elianne Adams | Em Petrova | Emma Nichols | Erin Cawood | Heather C. Myers | JB Duvane | Jennifer L. Allen | Jessica Linden | Joanna Mazurkiewicz | Joanne Dannon | Jordan Ford | Kellie Mc Allen | Kelly Moore | KN Lee | Laxmi Hariharan | Lena Bourne | Lena Mae Hill | Linda Joyce | Lindsay Cross | Liz Gavin | Lola Jamieson | Mary Abshire | Mary Jane | Melissa Pearl | Melissa Storm | Monica Corwin | N.W. Moors | Noelle Greene | Piper Rayne | Robyn Roze | Seven Steps | Skye Jordan | Susanne Bellamy | Sydney Aaliyah Michelle | Talina Perkins | Teagan Kade | Tiffani Lynn | Tina Moss | Tracey Pedersen | Tracy A. Ball | Tracy Ellen | Victoria Pinder Enter to win!


Enter here:http://lovekissedbooks.com/2016/10/01/enter-to-win-the…romance-giveaway/    

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce,

Amazon Best Selling Author

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