Geography: Where is Fat Chance, TX?
July 15, 2015

It’s summer, so it’s hot. Especially in Texas.

So are book series–hot, that is. For example, author Celia Bonaduce’s The Welcome To Fat Chance, Texas trilogy.  Have you read her The Venice Beach Romance series? If not, it needs to go on your summer reading list now. You won’t be disappointed. Celia brings humor like no one else I know.

Please meet Celia Bonanduce!

Celia Bonaduce

Where Is Fat Chance, Texas?

By Celia Bonaduce

They say you should ‘write what you know’. Have ‘they’ ever met a science fiction writer who has never been to outer space, a murder-mystery writer who presumably has never committed murder, or an historical fiction writer who has no access to a way-back machine?  No? I thought that too, so I jumped in with both feet to in write something I knew nothing about – Texas.

Ignore THEM at your peril.



My first trilogy of books – THE VENICE BEACH ROMANCE SERIES – is set in Southern California.  I live in Southern California, so I know the territory very well. I wanted to stretch myself on my next series – fat chance cover For BLogTHE WELCOME TO FAT CHANCE, TEXAS TRILOGY – so I started to poke around the map to see where I wanted my characters to land.  When I decided to set my book in Texas, I congratulated myself on having narrowed the playing field by 49 states.  But determining your locale to be in the Lone Star State is not the same as setting your book in Vermont or Oregon or Hawaii. Most states will bring to mind certain collective attributes. But when you start talking Texas, the discussion has just begun. It turns out that Weird-Austin  is very different from  Cosmopolitan-Dallas or Historic-Galveston or Military-Kileen, each of which has its own personality. My book is set in a ghost-town, so I thought that would help.  But no.  There are ranching ghost-towns, gold-mining ranch town and missed-by-the-railroad ghost towns. It became a bit overwhelming. My research did uncover one Texas constant: I never met a Texan who wasn’t happy to offer an opinion.

After popping my characters down in various parts of Texas, they seemed most at home in the Texas Hill Country. Although “Fat Chance” is a fictitious name, if you head west out of Austin on E. Highway 290, past Dripping Springs and start looking around for a dirt trail heading down to a creek, you’ll find the spot where I conjured up Fat Chance.

If you get to Reeves Lake off of W. Highway 290, you’ve gone too far.

We’re all very happy here.

Purchase Celia’s Books Here

Welcome to Fat Chance, Texas

Merchant of Venice Beach

More about Celia





Instagream: : @yocelia


Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce

1 Comment

  1. Linda Joyce


    You are a bookish person. It has your name under the definition in the dictionary. I checked.

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