Have you seen the Man in the Moon?
November 11, 2014

A fresh face in children’s fiction: Kelly Silverman.

She’s a fascinating woman. Author. Screen Writer. Film Producer. Wife…and new mother.

Kelly Young-Silverman

Please meet Kelly Silverman.

Memories Are Stories: Why I Read To My Baby

My daughter Evelyn is eleven months old. My husband, David, and I have been reading to her since before she was born, before we even knew whether she was an Evelyn or a Michael.

In the beginning, it felt as if David and I were the only ones getting anything from the experience: the times when I was reading Gone Girl out loud to my belly; the times we read Good Night Moon to our tiny newborn whose eyes stared off into the vastness of this great big world. I absolutely love those memories, but they are mine and David’s, not Evie’s.

Today, we know exactly why reading is not only one of the most important things you can do with your child, but one of the most special: it creates memories. Every night before we go to bed, Evie has two stories she must hear before she can sleep. It’s as much a part of our routine, our ritual, as a goodnight kiss and saying ‘I love you.”

I now see we are forging memories with Evie every time we read to her. Every time she picks up a book on her own and starts turning the pages. Every time she lights up when we get to a part of the story she loves. We are making memories through stories.

Looking at baby Evie reminds me of the joy I felt when I had a book in my hand and a story in my heart. Books made me want to be a writer. They’ve affected every one of my beliefs and shaped me into the person I am today. They’ve inspired, angered and moved me, and it amazes me to know they have the power to do that for my daughter as well.

I can’t wait to hear her read her first book, or tell her first story. I can’t wait for that moment when she picks out her first book at the library. My heart melts thinking how excited she’ll get when she describes her favorite stories to me.

I’ve written in many different mediums: screenplays, plays, young adult novels. After I had Evie, though, I knew I wanted to write children’s stories, which is why I created Evie and Knox Stories (with the talented Erin Wicker known professionally as erin the great).
It’s contemplating those “firsts” that make writing for children so special. When children fall in love with books, they do so with their whole-hearts. They become friends with the characters. They read a story and study the pictures over and over until that book becomes a part of their childhood.

Stories impact us at every stage of our lives, and it all begins with the first book someone reads to us. My hope is that Man in the Moon will be some child’s first story, and perhaps even part of a loving goodnight ritual.


“A whisper and a good night kiss. Sweet dreams for you, is what I wish!” – Man in the Moon

Kelly Young-Silverman Bio:Kelly is a Midwest girl living in the South who loves to tell stories. Her work ranges from screenplays and stage plays to children stories and young adult novels.

In 2009, Kelly co-founded Cakebaby Productions with her husband, actor/filmmaker, David Marshall Silverman. Through Cakebaby, Kelly and David have written, directed and produced several award-winning short films, and have had their worked screened nationally at prestigious festivals.

Kelly’s experience is eclectic to say the least: education, advertising, theatre, film and (most recently!) motherhood. Man in the Moon is the first book in a series of nighttime stories by Kelly and illustrator Erin Wicker. It is set to be released today, 11/11/2014!

Interested in purchasing your own copy of Man in the Moon?

WordCrafts Press

Interested in learning more about Kelly and her work?

Evie and Knox Stories
Cakebaby Productions

Linda here. I hope you’ve been enjoyed meeting Kelly. Check out her new release for that special little person in your life.

Happy Reading,

Linda Joyce
www.linda-joyce. com


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