Holiday Sale ~ Bayou Beckons 99¢
November 27, 2015

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Bayou Beckons at Amazon  99¢ For a Limited Time. Get yours now.

Meet Jared Richardson and Camilla Lind.

5-Star Review

“The only problem with this story is that it ended.”


Trixie held on to Camilla’s wrist and opened her palm. “You’re like a redheaded Barbie in that peasant blouse, Daisy-Duke shorts, and cowboy boots…that guy thinking he’s Ken. It’s Friday night. Getting on to hook up time. This is a place for finding one-nighters, not life-timers”—Trixie traced one of the lines in Camilla’s palm—“Despite your appearance, you’re the kind of woman who wants a man for keeps.

Camilla pursed her lips. The woman’s uncanny ability to read her drove her discomfort mountain high.


About Bayou Beckons:

Party-girl and bayou babe Camilla Lind treats life like a game. After sleeping with her sister’s fiancé, she’s struggling to change, but karmic payback is a bitch. When the actions of her past crash into the present, they stand to ruin her future…and destroy any chance of love with the only man she’s ever wanted.

Rancher Jared Richardson guards his heart carefully after suffering the pain of infidelity. He never expected to fall for a woman like Camilla Lind, nor did he think he’d follow her across the country to beg for a second chance at love.

As Hurricane Katrina bears down on them, can they weather the storm and put aside past hurts to embrace their future together?


Bayou Beckons at Amazon  99¢ For a Limited Time. Get yours now.


Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce



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