Irish author and poet, please meet April Hollingworth
May 14, 2014

The lovely thing about the internet is that it brings people together, connecting folks who share similar interests, no matter where they live. 

I’m pleased to introduce you to April Hollingworth, Irish author and poet.

April Hollingworth

For as long as I can remember I have loved the written word. Starting off with reading, I then wrote poems to release what I was feeling. My parents encouraged me to get published; I let fear of them not being good enough stop me. Eventually to prove them wrong I sent a couple off to and they liked them so much I received a best poem certificate for my poem Don’t Morn the Dead that was back in June 2000 so big apology to my parents, they genuinely meant I was good.

Poem: Don't Mourn the Dead by April Hollingworth

But it took me another 10 years before I did something properly with them. I decided to self publish my collection of poems Different Kinds of Emotions, during this process I realized self publishing isn’t for me. It’s the whole advertising side I lose interest in, also the cost to be honest.

Different Kinds of Emotions by April Hollingworth

What I really wanted was to write a novel. I’d have characters popping in to visit, and give me glimpses of what they wanted to show me. Every time I’d start writing, they would go on a long vacation which they haven’t returned from. It wasn’t until 30th December 2012 that a map of Paradise Falls, a fictional town popped into my head. Then Candi Reynolds visited me and started telling me her story, we started off slowly, I kept expecting her to go on holiday like the others. She gave me a clip around the head and threatened to fry me into crispy batter if I didn’t cop on with myself!

It took almost a year and a half to finish, due mainly to my lap top frying, by that stage I found it easier to flow with a keyboard than paper, mainly because my hand writing became atrocious and I couldn’t understand what I was writing. My mum gave me her computer and magic happened, as well as a lot of sleepless nights, due to writing until all hours and when I was about to fall asleep a character would tell me something to write down straight away.

For research I found Google is a writer’s best friend. Seriously the things you find the answers to are crazy, though exceptionally helpful. Once my novel was completed I started searching for publishers. Three months later I sent my book off to different publishers and agents. I have a lot of rejection e-mails. But the publishing house I found last and wanted the most saw the promise of my novel. Lill Farrow the editor looking after my book advised me on how to make it better and sort out my many blunders. I removed a lot of content that wasn’t needed and added in what was. I’ve now been offered a contract with The Wild Rose Press and my debut novel Double Magick in The Falls book 1 in A Candi Reynolds series will be published. I’ve realized you have to follow your dreams, and listen to those with positive pushes and helpful critique.

Here’s more info about April, where you will find her, and other links.


Different Kinds of Emotions

Double Magick in The Falls book 1 in A Candi Reynolds Novel – Coming Soon

The Prophecy book 2 in A Candi Reynolds Novel – A work in progress


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Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce


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