January 2017 –LETTERS from Linda– What’s your resolution?
January 4, 2017

LETTERS from Linda


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Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce


  1. lori byrd

    I quit smoking dec. 30th and intend to keep it!

  2. sherry butcher

    Not on to set resolutions but goals. I set the goal then take it apart to do steps and make some progress on the way to help keep me focused. A. Yoga step 1 start doing a little 2 times a week. step 2 up yoga to 3 times a week. B walk the dog more. 1. everyday, 2. 1 morning and 2 after supper.
    Good luck all on your resolution.

  3. Freya Airlyn

    My resolution for this 2017 is i could lose some weight from my diet! Hopely what i do worked! =)

  4. Jackie Wisherd

    My resolution is to finish projects already started before beginning new ones. I think this would help me get better organized too.

  5. Sara

    Thankful for the little things in life and enjoy them. Be thankful for everyone in my life and the ability to help when I can.

  6. Ria Alemina

    My resolution for 2017 is i could make a big sell for my newbie online shop that i worked with my sister.

  7. rm2h

    To become emotionally healthy.

  8. Angela

    To be more organized

  9. Julie McDonough

    I don’t make New Years resolutions, I just try to do my best every day.

  10. Cindy Reifel

    I stopped doing resolutions years ago because it usually only took a few weeks for me to blow it. I will say that, after last year, I’m determined that 2017 will be MUCH better!

  11. Rhonda Dennis

    To really lose weight. 🙁

  12. Elizabeth Sul-Celline

    make choices to encourage health and happiness

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