LOOK! Cover Reveal for Her Heart’s Desire
July 31, 2015

Her Heart’s Desire, Book one of the Sunflower Series

Now available for Pre-Order. Release day is August 18th. 

Her Heart's Desire

Her Heart’s Desire

 By Linda Joyce

I was told, shortly after moving to the Kansas City area, the Midwest is the Heartland of the United States, and if someone is looking to find love, to truly get in touch with their heart, it was the place to be. And I agree.

Though I’m a southern girl, one who needs magnolia trees and Spanish moss, grits with eggs, and to hear “Yes, Ma’am” with a drawl, (not to mention men who hold doors open because they were raised to be southern gentlemen), there’s an allure to the Midwest that is undeniable. While I can’t handle the winters of seven below zero (before wind chill), the rest of year offers festivals, hot air balloon shows, trout fishing, and the list goes on.

All of Kansas isn’t flat like the Kansas of Dorothy and Toto. The Emerald City, I believe, is Kansas City, Missouri, rising high on a hill up from the Missouri River banks.

For me, the winged monkeys were the burdens I carried, and while living in Kansas, those monkeys flew away. Undoubtedly, my time in Kansas City restored my heart and filled it with friendships I treasure.

I hope you will enjoy meeting Amelia and Lucas. They truly represent the tenacity, generosity, and dedication to family and friends that I experienced during my twelve years away from the south.


Artist Amelia Britton battles her older brother for the right to remain on the family farm—their inheritance after their parents’ tragic deaths—she faces a looming mortgage, weather threatens to destroy her crops, and the man she secretly loves only sees her as Craig’s little sister.

After serving his country in Afghanistan, Lucas Dwyer expected to return home to his family’s farm, but the bank foreclosed. Undeterred, he begins combining-for-hire to support his younger sister in college. His best friend convinces him to discourage local guys from dating Amelia. Craig wants her back in the city, farming is too hard for a woman alone. Only one problem—Lucas has fallen in love with Amelia.

With family, the bank, and the weather conspiring against them, can Amelia and Lucas ever hope to grow the love blooming between them?

 Tagline: An artist and a farmer fight family, the bank, and Mother Nature…to grow love.

Bio: Linda Joyce is an award-winning author of women’s fiction and romance. She writes about assertive females and the men who can’t resist them. Linda’s a big fan of jazz and blues. She attributes her love of those musical genres to her southern roots, which run deep in Louisiana. If you walk-through several New Orleans cemeteries you’ll find many of her family buried there. She penned her first manuscript while living in Japan, the country where her mother was born and raised. Now she lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and four-legged boys. She’s also a foodie and loves to go RVing.

Pre-Order Links for Her Heart’s Desire:

 Smashwords:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/559925

Amazon  http://amzn.com/B011LLKFXS

Places to connect with Linda:

 Website: https://www.linda-joyce.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaJoyceAuthor

Twitter: @LJWriter  https://twitter.com/LJWriter

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6950241.Linda_Joyce

Amazon author page:  http://www.amazon.com/Linda-Joyce/e/B00BODDROS/

Pinterest:  http://pinterest.com/LindaJoyceWorld/boards/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/lindajoycewrites

Linda also has a newsletter, LETTERS with Linda. It posts the first Tuesday of every month with book news, inspiration, a contest giveaway, and a recipe. If you’d like a copy, please send Linda an email: linda@linda-joyce.com OR watch her facebook author page that day and grab a copy there.

Happy Reading!




  1. Tracey Gee

    Woo hoo!!! Love love love the cover! Xox

    • Linda Joyce

      Thank you! I’m sooo excited!

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