May: May you be the winner of… Find details about the May giveaway in Letters from Linda
May 1, 2019

This is the image you’ll see in the May newsletter that will be sent in a little while.
Inside the newsletter, Letters from Linda, you will learn the names of the April winners, plus directions on how to enter the giveaway for May. What is it? You’ll never know how wonderful it is unless you subscribe at my website.
I’ve given away lots of autographed books, Kindles, Coach purses, and SWAG. Hmm…what will it be next?
Post your comment below to be entered to win this month’s giveaway!


  1. Kathy Newcomer

    My dream summer vacation would be to go to Hawaii. I’m a photographer and I’d love to get the chance to actually photograph the beautiful scenery there!

  2. Susan P

    I already did a Scotland trip with the hubby – so even though I’d want to go back I have to admit I have always wanted to see Alaska and all it’s beauty. So I would pick there for it!! 🙂

  3. Kari

    I have always wanted to go to Australia so that is what I would choose.

    • Linda Joyce

      I watch Hulu–there’s an Australian show, “Packed to the Rafters” that I love. 23 episodes. 6 seasons. I will soon be finished with it. It’s set in Australia. Before this, I watched 800 Words, set in New Zealand–where they have no poisonous snakes! I think I’ll pick NZ first. 🙂


  4. Shirley Cochran

    My dream summer vacation would be to cruise in Alaska as I hate being hot! I would cruise the Caribbean if it were winter but not in the summer. Cruises are great as you unpack once and get to visit different places with all your food and lots of entertainment included!

    • Linda Joyce

      You’ll love it! The only cruise I’ve taken was the inside passage from Vancouver, BC to Alaska. I highly recommend leaving out of Seattle instead, otherwise, lots of customs to deal with. Alaska is bigger, grander, wetter, and more beautiful that any photo or video I ever saw of it. We went with my parents. I treasure those memories.


      • Shirley Cochran

        Mitch was stationed up 90 miles north of the Arctic Circle in the Air Force years ago but he did not see much other than the area around the site so I think he might enjoy seeing some of the rest of the state. You are right about Hawaii–been there twice and neither time did I want to leave!

  5. Peggy Clayton

    I would love to spend a month or more in Ca and be able to visit all of my grandkids that would be a dream vaca for me ! Plus putting your new release in my purse to read while on the plane ride to Ca.

    • Linda Joyce


      Have you ever been to CA? It’s a diverse place. Fireworks in Jubilee will be out on June 4th.

  6. Myra Ball

    I would like to goto the Galopagos Islands and see the Galopagos turtles. What would be really cool would be to see the baby turtles hatch. I have a college degree in Enviromental Biology so I’ve been thinking about the Galopagos Islands for over 20 years. I would love to see the biodiversity these Islands has. Many unique plant and animal species.

    • Linda Joyce


      The Galopogos. Wow! So unique. What enticed you into Environmental Biology?


  7. Joy Shelden

    My dream summer vacation would be to go to Paris. I’d want to visit the Louvre, & eat amazing french food & wine & lattes…lots of lattes! And draw. Just draw everything! And make some artist friends. It would be the perfect bohemian artist vacation! 🙂

    • Linda Joyce


      Do you paint or draw? What kind of artist are you? I’ve never been to Paris, heck, I’ve never been to Europe, but it’s on my list. I’m not much of an artist, though I love to paint. I did see the Mona Lisa at the Smithsonian.


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