Moving Soon
December 18, 2014


Fleur de Lis

What’s on Your Bookshelf?

Recently, on Facebook, there was a post about a quote from Holbrook Jackson, “Your library is your portrait.” I asked friends to post 10 titles. I, of course, did the same. In no particular order:

Prince of Tides, Pat Conroy
A Duke of Her Own, Eloisa James
I’ll Be Home For Christmas, Julie L. Cannon
Traces, Betty Bolte
A Risk Worth Taking, Melissa Klein
The Power Within You, Louise Hay
Men, Women, and Relationships, Dr. John Grey
Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss
Secrets from a Creativity Coach, Romeny Qualline Nesbitt
Wired for Story, Lisa Cron

I have hundreds of books, but these grabbed my attention first. What do you think it says about me?

My booklist contains one by Julie L. Cannon. She was a lovely, gracious, endearing woman who critiqued a manuscript of mine at the Southeastern Writer’s Association workshop. She has since passed away. Her book, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, is one I’m going to start rereading now. Julie told me one thing about being an author back in 2011–I hadn’t yet been published in fiction yet–she said, “Writers write. Author’s speak.”

I’m going to start speaking again. I’ve presented programs at national conferences and workshops before. I’ve shied away from it for a while. In 2015, I’m seeking opportunities to speak, not only about writing, but also about self empowerment.

And so, I ask you very gently, when you’re speaking or writing to others, even if it’s an email, text, comments on social media, please take care in the words you select. Please let your words truly represent you, your heart, and your core values.

And if you don’t agree with my blog posts, I’m happy to hear your opinions because I believe dialog is a way to come to the middle and find a greater understanding about each other, find some common ground. However, please do not stoop to name-calling and expect me to approve your comments on my blog. “You can’t write bitch. Take my class.” is a comment I will never approve on my blog. It was left for a guest blogger, and I won’t stand for that.

Now, about moving. In 2015, I’m revamping my website The blog will become a part of my website and this URL of lindajoycecontemplates will disappear into the ether.

As some point in 2015, I’ll stop paying for the url for this blog…who knows what will happen then, but you’ll find me blogging on my website. I’ll be speaking out and seeking to help us empower ourselves to live in a better world.

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


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