November Letters from Linda: Get Your Gobble On!
November 8, 2018

November is here! I’m stunned. I understand the days roll by, but they move ever so much faster it seems. What are your holiday plans?

You’re at the right blog post for the “LETTERS from Linda” November newsletter giveaway. Remember to follow the instructions–and remember, in November, there’s a chance you could have your name entered twice for this giveaway.

I’d love it if you’d share my newsletter by forwarding it to your friends. Then maybe they’ll enjoy sharing in the excitement of book news and giveaways, too. It’s always inspiring to me to hear from a reader who enjoys my stories.




A BIG note: The eBook for CHRISTMAS IN JUBILEE is available now. The official release date is Tuesday, November 13th, but why wait until then? Get your must-read holiday book NOW!

Welcome to Jubilee, Georgia—where life is a celebration!

Jubilee is tucked away on Fancy Bluff Creek in coastal southern Georgia. The town’s history reaches back to the days of English colonization by James Edward Oglethorpe, and of course, the town is also steeped in pirate history. Not far away, is Blackbeard’s Island.

This small town is a place of hearty handshakes, welcoming smiles, and family ties. Some have bonds centuries old…including some family feuds, too.

Here, the days flow with the rise and fall of the tides. Just as estuaries teem with life, life teems in Jubilee. With a constant calendar of festivals, holidays, and town-wide events, things are never dull.

Looking for the perfect escape where sweet tea is the beverage of choice, where sunsets are lavender, magenta, and gold? And if you’re looking for love, friendship, and family recipes—Jubilee is the perfect place for you.

Come on over to Jubilee! We’re waiting to welcome you.


Good Luck to all who enter the November Giveaway.
Happy Reading,


Linda Joyce







  1. lori byrd

    My favorite is pumpkin pie. The recipe is on the back of the libbys can of pumpkin. LOL, well that’s the recipe I use. It’s really good.

  2. lori johannes

    I love the pumpkin pie. It always taste better on Thanksgiving for some reason.

  3. Susan P

    My favorite dish is always the mashed potatoes! My favorite way to make them is mash the potatoes (after cooked) with butter, milk, sour cream and shredded cheese. They end up thick and creamy with such cheesy goodness!

  4. theresa n

    My favorite is the Pumpkin Pie which I make myself.

  5. Colleen Conklin

    Love love love mashed potatoes and gravy!
    We mash up some potatoes, then add in butter, milk, garlic powder, salt and pepper…
    Always make the gravy from scratch from the turkey drippings! Yummy!!! 🙂
    Happy Upcoming Holidays!

  6. Mallory D

    I’m always looking forward to the mashed potatoes 🙂

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