On your mark, get set, gooooo!
April 30, 2015

LOGO from Gina

I can’t believe summer is almost here!

I’m wishing you warm weather, sunny skies, and lots of good reading.

There’s much going on in my writing world and I hope you’ll share this special summer with me.

  • Bayou Beckons, book three of the Fleur de Lis series will be released on June 3rd!
  • Pre-Order for the book will be revealed soon.

This book is dedicated to the people of the Gulf Coast who lost their lives, to those who survived, and those who continue to thrive ten years after Hurricane Katrina—southerners of sturdy stock who know there’s no place like home. 

  • Check out my Pinterest Board at LindaJoyceWorld to see all the inspirations for the book.
  • You won’t want to miss the new contest in my May newsletter. Want so subscribe? Let me know.
  • Where can we meet? Check out the list of events where we can meet up, from Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Palm Springs, CA.
  • If you’re passionate about books and would like to help spread the word about mine, consider joining my street team: Linda’s Lovelies. Send me an email and I’ll share more details. We have contests and giveaways, exclusive for team members.

What’s on your schedule for summer?


Linda Joyce

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