Reviews and a “Nice, not naughty Giveaway”!
November 2, 2022

Please help the Lowcountry Romance Authors of America and get your copy of Love in the Lowcountry. When you purchase this book, you’re sharing with time with each author, joining a world of wonderful characters, and relaxing into beautiful prose. You get the book. We’ll bring you holiday joy!

This book was lovingly curated. We went through rounds of edits to make it the best. There’s something for everyone in this 11-story anthology. 

You can purchase your copy HERE.

And then, we would be so pleased if you’d be our Santa and write a review. It would be a great gift to all who worked on this book.

Love in the Lowcountry, A Winter Holiday Collection Volume 2

PLUS: I’m doing a giveaway! After all, this is a holiday book and I’m a holiday kind of woman. My birthday is December 24th. So, I’ve got an “in” with Santa. I know about the naughty-and-nice list. My name’s been in both columns before. This year, I’m working hard to stay on the NICE side of things.

How can you get your name on the Nice, not naughty Giveaway List to possibly win this great giveaway? Please check my newsletter for all the details. Not signed up for it? We can fix that right now! Sign up here at my website.

The Giveaway includes pens, a zipper pull (The quality of these is hard to find these days!), a lovely poinsettia mug for sipping tea, coffee, or hot chocolate while you read, a tote bag with leather-like handles, and of course a gorgeous paperback of Love in the Lowcountry.

The Giveaway!

The giveaway will run through December 4. The winner will be announced no later than December 10, 2022.

Again, the instructions on how to get your name on the “Nice, not naughty Giveaway List” is in my newsletter. It will be sent on 11/4. Sign up NOW!

Wishing you good health, happiness, and holiday cheer!

All my best,

Linda Joyce


  1. Jan Tomalis

    This is a wonderful giveaway! I am an avid reader and I review what I read. Thanks so much for the tips!

    • Linda Joyce

      From all authors everywhere, THANK YOU for reviewing books.

      Linda Joyce

  2. Katrina Dehart

    I struggle with writing reviews. I don’t want to give away details of the book and spoil it yet I want to impress what I enjoyed about it.

    • Linda Joyce

      Spoilers in a review are often a dilemma. I hope the tips I offered are helpful. Thank you for being a book reviewer.
      Linda Joyce

  3. Theresa Norris

    Lauren and JD meet on the beach in Sunrise South Carolina, romantic. The Gray Man of Pawleys Island? I’m interested.

    • Linda Joyce


      Linda Joyce

    • Linda Joyce

      YOU are the WINNER of the GIVEAWAY! I’m sending you an email now. Please reply so I can get your package in the mail!

      Linda Joyce

  4. Lori johannes

    Lauren and Justice stole my heart in this heart warming story of love. Linda Joyce can really take you to the scenes in your mind that bring a book to life. A real gift to readers. That defines the difference between a good book and a great book. This one is great. A must read!
    That would be my book review on this one Linda.

    • Linda Joyce

      Thank you for your kind, kind words. Much apprecitated.

      Linda Joyce

  5. JS

    Neat mug!

  6. Burma Turner

    This book sounds great. I appreciate the tips on writing a review, I always struggle.

    • Linda Joyce

      Writing reviews just never feel easy to me either. What’s important is that we give an author just a few lines. Some easy like: “I loved the setting. (Name of character) was my favorite because she loved dogs.” It’s really that easy.
      Linda Joyce

  7. Cindy Reifel

    This looks like a great anthology. It dropped into my kindle today & I can’t wait to read it.
    I do have to say that you need 20 words for an Amazon review. However, they can be 2 or 3 sentences. Such as:
    I loved this book. The characters were so interesting. I just can’t wait til this author comes out with her next book!
    Thanks for the chance!

    • Linda Joyce

      Thanks for the tip on the 20 words–that’s an important element.

      Linda Joyce

  8. Beverly Laude

    I would love to win! I enjoy writing reviews and appreciate your tips.

    • Linda Joyce

      How are you? You are an avid reader! I appreciate and other authors do, too, readers who write reviews.
      Linda Joyce

  9. Debra Krause

    I love anthologies and this is a big one containing 11 stories! And I love contests, so keeping my fingers crossed.

    • Linda Joyce

      On my FB page, I’ve been reviewing each story in the anthology. I’m not done yet. I hope you’ll check out my impressions of the story and I’d love to hear yours.
      Linda Joyce

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