August 7, 2019

Newsletter subscribers, this is the image you’re looking for when you post your answers to the questions posed in my August newsletter, which will come out in a little while.

All the info about what to do will be in Letters from Linda.

Hope your summer is going great!

Linda Joyce


  1. Susan P

    There is a family friend who cares for us when we are struggling and just need encouragement. She always shows up with a gift or food and lets us know we are thought of. She is amazing that way! We met through a relative and have been friends ever since.

    • Linda Joyce

      Susan P,

      What a blessing to have someone like that in your life.


  2. Mary Preston

    I have a friend from work who means the world to me. We have so many life experiences that are very similar. There is a great trust between us. The same sense of humor too.

    • Linda Joyce

      Mary Preston,

      I think, after many years of moving, friends are hard to find and keep. However, the ones who “get you”–your sensitivity level, your humor, and have the same appreciation for a few things in life–THOSE friends are keepers for life.


  3. Connie Thompson

    The best friend that has come into my life is Carol Bibb. We met at work at 5 years ago. She is my rock, go to person. Always there to listen and give advice or a good joke.
    Linda I love your books. The Jubilee story was wonderful. Cannot wait for more. Thanks for your wonderful giveaways. Hope you see you soon at another book festival or luncheon.

    • Linda Joyce

      I look forward to meeting you. And, I think Carol Bibb is a walking SMILE. She’s kind, compassionate, and loyal. I appreciate her.


  4. Jackie Wisherd

    I met a very nice lady named Charlotte when we both signed up for an adult class in Quilting about 12 years ago. She has been a very good friend all these years and means the world to me.

  5. Mary Lawson

    I met my friend, Carole, in 7th grade. We stayed friends until her death 7 years ago. I still want to pick up the phone and call her. We were both teachers and would talk for hours about family and jobs. I really miss her.

  6. Beverly Laude

    I have several online friends that are like sisters. Also, some longtime friends from first grade. I know I can always count on them.

  7. Linda Rimer-Como

    Alice and I met online about 4 years ago. We both had similar childhoods and just seemed to bond. We have saved one another from very dark times in our lives. She is my sister from another mother.

  8. Susan Jackson

    My best friend I met when I was in the 7th grade. I went with my dad on a job to quote putting in a boat dock. Bobbi was a couple years younger than me and we hit it off. The first best thing is that she gave me a comic book (I wasn’t allowed to read junk comics) so it was like getting gold. We stayed friends from that age. I convinced her to join the USAF (I was in the USAF) and she made the highest enlisted rank and had some amazing jobs. Being girls we actually lost track of each other as we changed names (marriages) but thank heavens for FACEBOOK an we were able to reconnect and have been on vacations together and it was like we never missed a beat

  9. Cindy Reifel

    T. & I met on FB because we were in an author’s street team. We started working together for a blog talk radio then, T decided to start her own business online and, I wanted my own page for book reviews so, we’ve been working together for 4 years now. She has become such a great friend. Someone I can talk to about anything. Someone who always has my back. Someone who has helped me through some rough times. I wouln’t trade my friendship with her for anything.

  10. Lori johannes

    I met my friend on the 1st day of school when i was 11 years old. She sat beside me on the bus and never shut up. By time we got off the bus we had discovered that we shared the same birthday. We celebrated many of them together. She lives in New Jersey and i live in Missouri but that doesn’t stop us from being best friends. When her dad passed away I was there for her. When I lost my 2 daughters, she was there for me. I can’t think of a better friend a person can have. I love her with all my heart. I’m very blessed she sat beside me on that bus 46 years ago.

  11. Susan Jackson

    Can’t wait–don’t know how you find time to do it all!!

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