SWAG is in the bag!
May 22, 2015

I’m pleased to introduce a company that I rely upon for SWAG — A Novel Idea.

I’m proud to present the owner, Yong Takahashi, she’s also an excellent writer.






Otherwise known as Souvenirs, Wearables, and Gifts. Promotional items. Marketing tools. There may be different names to call them but in the end, everyone loves a unique keepsake from a great event.

Back when I was knee-deep in the real estate field, I attended my fair share of conventions. The highlight for me was receiving the variety of promotional items given away by the vendors. Not only did I love all the SWAG, the items did serve a purpose. Meeting so many people in a small period of time, it was often difficult to remember names. Having a tangible item with the company’s name and contact information was invaluable.

Writers conference attendees face similar issues. After meeting so many great authors and peers, it’s hard for them to remember all the great books they intended to purchase. Wouldn’t it be great to send them home with a reminder of your new book or website?

Some popular items are bookmarks, pens, highlighters, key lights, hats, screen cleaners, and zipper pulls.zipper pull




What is the best SWAG you received from a conference or book signing?



Here’s a special opportunity for you to win SWAG! Sign up HERE

One lucky winner will receive $20 off their first order OR a $10 Amazon gift card (winner’s choice).  Contest ends 6/30/2015.


And here’s more information about the inspiring owner of A NOVEL IDEA

Yong Takahashi is a writer. Some of her works appear in Cactus Heart, Crab Fat Magazine, Emerge Literary Journal, Flash Fiction Magazine, Hamilton Stone Review, Meat For Tea, River & South Review, Rusty Nail Magazine, Spilt Infinitive, and Twisted Vines.

She founded A Novel Idea, Inc. to assist authors with their promotional needs. Her greatest joy is helping others find the best way to send their message out into the world.

For more information, please visit www.anovelideapromos.com and www.facebook.com/anovelideapromos.

To contact Yong, please email her at info@anovelideapromos.com.

To read some of Yong’s writing, visit www.yctwriter.com.


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