Bull’s Eye on July! Sweepstakes: Play here!
July 5, 2017

If you subscribe to my newsletter, LETTERS from Linda, then you know what to do!

The prize for July is a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card–open to newsletter subscribers in all places where I’m able to send a gift card.

If you don’t get my newsletter and want in on the fun, then send me an email to lindajoycebooks@gmail.com and in the subject line write: Newsletter Time.

Thanks to all for playing!

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce

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Twitter: @LJWriter  https://twitter.com/LJWriter



  1. lori byrd

    I loved the cover of where the wild things are. My kids grew up with me reading that to them every night. My least favorite was the cover for The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. Dumb. I loved the quote It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Thank you Linda. See you at Penned Con.

  2. Denise Boyd

    I surprised myself and got a 92%. Have to admit there were several that I guessed on but still.
    My favorite opening line is:
    “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded yellow sun.”
    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams..

    • Linda Joyce


      And the magic number is 42, right? lol Thanks for sharing your favorite quote. AND BIG cudos for such an auspicious quiz result. You rock!

  3. Colleen C.

    I scored 60%
    “This will be over soon, and then I can go home to Tara.”
    -Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley

    • Linda Joyce


      The ever elusive Tara…
      Thanks for playing the game. Hope you had fun.
      All my best,

  4. Željka Ranković

    I got 88%. Truth is some of the pictures helped a lot. But still, I knew a lot of them, and by far, my favorite: “Do not go gentle into that good night”! I loved the quiz, it was super fun and I didn’t know how much I actually knew 🙂

    • Linda Joyce


      That’s a great score! I think some of the photos helped to, but I’m just not a good guesser. In college, whenever I played Trivial Pursuit and I narrowed it down to two answers, I could count on picking the wrong one.
      Glad you enjoyed the quiz.

  5. Sunnymay

    I got 90% on the quiz and started looking up the first lines of the books in Google to help the cause. “It was a dark and stormy night,” is my favorite first line of a book called Paul Clifford by Bulwer-Lytton. I learned about this first line while taking a Creative Writing Course which met for 2 hours on 4 Saturdays. Then I found it on the writing website, winningwriters.com, as The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. I think it is funny, but his stories are dark with horror.

  6. Sue Kirby

    I got a 76%.
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. The only Dickens book I like.

  7. Jo Ann Reinhold

    Sad to say I only got 62% right…..Truth? I can NEVER quote from books….I read every line and if I pick up a book years later and begin reading it ANYWHERE in the book I remember the entire story BUT I can’t not quote from one….maybe my brain is wired wrong???

    • Linda Joyce

      Jo Ann,
      And, I can’t remember jokes. Like not even 10 minutes after I hear them. I thought the quiz was hard, but very interesting. I will confuse book covers–but they change so much these days that I don’t care anymore–and I often won’t remember a title. But I will remember the characters–them I fall in love with.


  8. Joy Isley

    I enjoyed taking the quiz. I got 80% since I am not up on current classics.

    My favorite line is
    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” Charles Dickens

    and I love “I dreamt I returned to Manderlay”
    can you imagine what impact it would have had if she dreamed of returnibg to Crystal Springs? Not the same-Manderlay seems so intriguing

    • Linda Joyce

      You did excellent on the quiz! I have a very worn copy of A Christmas Carol by Dickens with a velvet cover. It was a gift when I was a child…because Christmas Eve is my birthday.
      lol, and just for the record, I do like Crystal Springs. 🙂


  9. Joy Giachino

    Above 50 lol – 54% .. that was looooonnnngggg my brain began to fade 😉
    two roads diverged – R Frost – Love Frost!

    • Linda Joyce

      Frost is one of my favorite poets because I think I actually understand the message he’s trying to deliver. Often poetry seems shrouded in multiplicative meanings and I feel too dense to figure it out.


  10. Jaxkie Wisherd

    I got 76% on the quiz.
    Scarlett OHara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. Margaret Mitchell

    • Linda Joyce

      LOVE the Margaret Mitchell quote. Do you know that I’ve never been to tour her house? It’s on my list for this summer.

      Linda Joyce

  11. Linda Rimer-Como

    I got 64%
    Favorite author is Wm. Shakespeare
    Macbeth first line:
    When shall we three meet again in thunder, lighting or rain?

    • Linda Joyce


      hmmm… shall I confess that I’ve never read MacBeth, though I love Shakespeare.


  12. Sharon Guagliardo

    1. Above 2. Ten little soldiers boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were Nine. Agatha Christie

    • Linda Joyce

      I was 9 years old the first time I heard of Agatha Christie. My father’s boss had 4 daughters and the 2nd oldest, older than me by about 5 years, loved Christie. She gave me a book to read…and I had no clue about what I was getting into. But I pushed on because I couldn’t let a 14 year old think she knew more than me. LOL


  13. Christina Gonzalez

    I made 50% on the quiz – Book Worm! All men are liars. All women are lirs, too. – Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews.

    • Linda Joyce


      Love the quote! As for the score, you’re a winner to me. You dared and completed it. That’s success in my book.

  14. kim charlton

    I scored 78%..got harder as it went for sure!! Hard to pick a line form a book but this is ONE of my favorites..All this happened, more or less. —Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five..thanks for the chance!!

    • Linda Joyce

      I’m going to use this quote in a book I’m working on now. The working title is Secrets. I’m very excited about this story. More to come soon.

  15. Debra Shutters

    My score 54% not bad since I guess on some

    • Linda Joyce

      Hi! Do you have a quote from a book you love?

      • Debra Shutters

        I have Multiple Sclerosis so my memory not so good so I can’t think of one

        • Debra Shutters

          Newsletter suscriber and thanks you for the chance 🙂

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