Her Heart’s Desire is here!
August 18, 2015

I am so completely, totally, and unequivocally excited about this book,

Her Heart’s Desire.

Her Heart's Desire

Her Heart’s Desire

Setting is a feature of ALL of my books, from the Itchetucknee River in Florida, to the Pearl River dividing Louisiana and Mississippi, to the wilds of Wyoming. Her Heart’s Desire, Book One of the Sunflower Series is no different. It’s primarily set in eastern Kansas with forays into Kansas City.

This book is dedicated to ALL my Midwest friends.

And a special nod to special friends:

For a dozen years, I called Kansas home. Sunflowers. Corn. Cold winters. Blazing hot summers. Tornados. Endless cracks about the Wizard of Oz. And when I moved south again, I left behind wonderful Midwest friends. All of whom helped inspire this story. Especially, Karen LaRue, Amy Curtis, Mailan Le, Madelyn Genglebach, Diane Howard, Bobbie Martin, and Goldie Edwards. I cherish what you’ve given to me through your friendship.


Here’s an introduction:

Meet Amelia, aka Lia, a contemporary artist of Midwest fame and a struggling farmer. Named after the famed pilot Amelia Earhart, Lia’s grit and determination is as boundless as the skies her namesake conquered. She’s fighting her brother, the bank, and Mother Nature all the while hoping against hope that Lucas Dwyer, her brother’s best friend, might see her as a woman, rather than Craig’s little sister.

After Afghanistan, after the bank took his farm, Lucas is rebuilding his life and trying to do Craig a favor-keep guys away from Amelia in hopes that she’ll move back to the city. Only one problem—Lucas is in love with Lia.

Surrounded by the bounty of Kansas, will Lia and Lucas ever grow the love blooming between them?  



You can pick up your copy here:

Amazon eBook http://amzn.com/B011LLKFXS

Amazon Paperback http://amzn.com/0996581103

To Celebrate the launch of Her Heart’s Desire, I’m giving away a Kindle. You could be a winner!

Find out how to enter the giveaway at LETTERS from Linda http://eepurl.com/buRlo9

Here’s the link to enter the contest:  http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/032a9e5012/?

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


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