LETTERS from Linda : A Knockout in November. Can you say, “Kindle Fire?”
November 1, 2017

Can you believe it’s November already? WOW. I feel like a wobble toy going in so many directions!

Thank you for being a loyal newsletter subscriber of LETTERS from Linda.

The November giveaway is a Kindle Fire. If you receive my newsletter, then you know what to do. (And don’t forget about the Christmas Bells comment, too.)

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I do so hope you’ll give Love Around the Table a try. Please remember that 100% of the royalties goes to help a child.

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


  1. Susan Jackson

    My favorite is Behind the Mask—so cheery and colorful. The one I like least is Katrina—so stark, I know it was a horrible time but you did ask

  2. Shirley Cochran

    I think my most memorable Thanksgiving was the one in 2012. We lost Dad at the end of January so it was the first one without him and Mom had been diagnosed with blood cancer in October so we were very thankful to have her with us. Unfortunately we lost her in July the next year and before Thanksgiving of 2013, my youngest brother was diagnosed with bone cancer and was barely hanging on–he lived another almost 2 years (lost him at the end of September 2015). This Thanksgiving should be the best of recent times as my other brother married his partner on November 4th and we all plan to be at his house.

  3. John H.

    One of mine is the first time I ate Thanksgiving at my wife’s families house. They ate foods differently.

    • Linda Joyce

      Differently, like with chopsticks instead of a knife and fork or ?

  4. Jennifer H.

    I would say one of the most memorable Thanksgiving was after I married my husband and we went to both sides of our families and ate 2 meals in one day.

    • Linda Joyce


      That’s a LOT of giving Thanks. 🙂


    • Linda Joyce

      Thanks a WHOLE lot of Giving Thanks. 🙂

  5. lori byrd

    My favorite Thanksgiving was when my son and his friend were on leave from the Marines and showed up unexpectedly. I was so happy until I found out they needed to be back in Florida for school in 2 days with no ride. My Mom and daughter drove straight through the night to get them back to the base with about 15 minutes to spare. Darn kids!!! Loved him being here though.

    • Linda Joyce


      Ahhh, the carefree days of the young. I don’t mind that Youth is Wasted on the Young, as long as we can all remain Young At Heart.


  6. Colleen C.

    Most memorable were always the ones when my grandparents were alive… lots of love and laughs… nothing tasting as good as my grandmother’s pumpkin pie! 🙂 Once our cat helped herself to the turkey before it was cut… my grandma had a fit! The memory still brings a smile to my face!
    Have not read Christmas Bells yet, but definitely getting into the holiday mood! 🙂

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