March Winds and March Madness!
March 7, 2018

Fleur de Lis Brides AnthologyMarch Winds and March Madness… Mother Nature needs some medication! It was 70 on Sunday and today it’s 39, *burrrr* Yes, I’m spoiled down here in Georgia.

It’s that special time each month!

The March Giveaway–the newsletter, Letters from Linda, will be sent shortly. You’ll know what the prize is and how to enter when you read the newsletter.

And the winners from last month are Mary Preston and Joye! Congratulations! Check out the newsletter to learn how to claim your prize!

And to all–please share the newsletter with your friends. I’ve got a BIG prize coming up soon and your friends will love you for letting them know and sharing Letters from Linda.

Good luck! Can’t wait to read your comments!


Linda Joyce


  1. Jodi Hunter

    What ticked me was this: I am Six Sigma trained—I can organize the heck out of your underwear drawer and I can organize the heck out of a company.

    • Linda Joyce


      I promise you I can–and have. I ran a multi-million dollar department–at new department when I worked at GEIS.



  2. Susan Jackson

    Like I said, it is amazing that you wrote you pr first book at 11 and then. Nothing until years later. But it was worth it to us as we have enjoyed every one of your books.

    • Linda Joyce


      Thank you so much for your kind words. I can’t wait to find a home for my next book–something different from anything I’ve ever written before.


  3. Nancy Burgess

    The underwear draw organization was funny.

    • Linda Joyce


      Glad I could give you a giggle.



  4. alice minx

    Hey! You and I are both DIY show watchers 🙂

    • Linda Joyce


      Yay!!!! What are a few of your favorites?



  5. Rebecca Booth

    Looking forward to reading the Bayou Series, as I have fond memories of my 25th wedding anniversary trip to Biloxi, Mississippi, beautiful scenery and great seafood! We even bought a trash can full of ice and shrimp bring home! Yea!

    • Linda Joyce

      You’re going to love the April newsletter–I have a couple of photos of Biloxi there. SOooo happy you have good memories of the city where I was born.



  6. lori byrd

    The underwear drawer is killer. Mine needs help, big time! Who even folds underwear?

    • Linda Joyce


      I fold underwear every week. 🙂



  7. Susa Jackson

    I found it very interesting that your first book was written at 11-12 in Japan and then you really started writing in 2008! Although we know that wasn’t a long time as you are about 36 now.

    • Linda Joyce


      Ahhh, 36? Yes… let’s go with that. LOL


  8. Natalie

    Fiona and I are interested in similar things! She loves dogs, crafts, being by the water and farm-to-table organic food like me!

    • Linda Joyce


      I melt over dogs. I am going to wait a while longer to get a new one, though…
      And I’m off to St. Simons Island–I’ll have pictures in next month’s newsletter of the writers beach retreat.


  9. Marilyn

    I liked that she can organize my underwear draw. How does she know My underwear draw is a mess?! Thank You for the giveaway.

    • Linda Joyce


      How do I know your drawer is a mess? I’ll tell you what I told my stepdaughter when she was growing up– “I have eyes in the back of my head. I see EVERYTHING. So don’t you think for a minute, that you can get away with anything. I’m watching. Got my eyes on you.” LOL LOL


  10. Shelia Hall

    what i found funny was this: I am Six Sigma trained—I can organize the heck out of your underwear drawer and I can organize the heck out of a company.

    • Linda Joyce


      I love that I could give you a giggle. And I was serious. I’m an organizing maniac!

  11. clynsg

    One of the things that I like learning about in an author is some of the things that they do for relaxation. I was interested to learn that you like to watch DIY type shows, since I do that as well, although I don’t go for the cooking ones.

    • Linda Joyce


      I do love DYI shows. I love to make things, create things. My next projects are a two flower planters to go on the front porch, planting my veggie garden, and pottery.


  12. kim hansen

    I got a chuckle out of you like madame secretary because it’s smart and the conflicts are real. The show is good I watch it too.

    • Linda Joyce


      Smart women think alike. What other TV shows do you like? I’m getting into We The People. I think I secretly wanted to be a lawyer.


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